In-store Operations

collect, analyse, generate

We use AI algorithms to generate demographics of your typical customers, (such as gender and age). In addition, we have the capacity to collect and analyze ‘sentiment’ data gained through facial expressions (i.e., whether your customers are engaged, pleased, satisfied, frustrated, angry, etc.) Our techniques are fully GDPR-compliant and are designed to simply give you the information you need to help you develop marketing strategies with a better understanding of your customers’ preferences and shopper experiences.

important customer insights

Our ‘Customer Count’ solution provides you with important insights on how many customers have entered your store and when. It works in ‘real time’ and, because of that, we can help you analyze the time of typical peak activity so that you can adjust your staffing proactively. It even takes into consideration the weather forecast so that you can be fully prepared for on-site customer variances.

press for Assistance

Our ‘fitting room assistance’ technology allows shoppers to request a different size/color of apparel they are considering in your fitting room. By simply pressing a ‘button’ on a tablet in the room, they can alert a store assistant for assistance without having to dress and re-enter your store’s main display areas.

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The wonders of technology are amazing!

Imagine a ‘robotic’ shelf-mounted device that takes advantage of its motion sensor and robotic ‘arm’ to call attention to a product and initiate an interactive experience with shoppers. As shoppers approach a shelf, Tokinomo shines a LED light on the product to be featured and then extends its ‘swing arm’ to ‘present’ the product to passersby. It also has a ‘sound messaging’ capability that is controlled remotely. Electric or battery powered, Tokinomo’s versatility and ability to generate immediate interest and engagement is unmatched.

flexible & dynamic pricing

ESL (Electronic Shelf Labelling) allows you to adjust and post current product prices at shelf level so that your shoppers feel confident that the prices they see on the shelves will be accurately reflected at the point of sale (check-out terminal). It also allows you the flexibility to manage your pricing according to your product promotions and sales.

tracking inventory movement

Inventory management can be burdensome and often results in inaccurate results. Our advanced technology helps you track the ‘movement’ of your goods so that you have precise knowledge of your inventory and are in charge of its flow.


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